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Awesome columnar basalt covered by liquen
Seems like a baked zone or any other hydrothermal by-product
A carbonate-rich paleosol covered by a +-2m thick lava flow
It goes much deeper than that. around 170cm deep.
A closer look.
There are some redoximorphic features, particularly in the greenish horizon, such as the reddish/orange Iron concentration spots
A big prismatic-like ped taken from a paleosol profile from the previous photo
Ash - lava sucession
Think weathering rinds on a porphyritic basalt
Right at the Ecology Glacier
Overview from King George Island
Ecology Glacier - King George Island
Frontal moraine from the Ecology Glacier
Initial stages of soil formation - Hyperskeletic Cryosol
More advanced stage - Cambic Cryosol
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